Monday, May 26, 2008

The Buergers' Tree Kangaroo

Buergers' Tree Kangaroo

Native to Papua New Guinea, Buergers' Tree Kangaroos are one of nine types of tree kangaroo. The family probably evolved from a common ancestor with the modern kangaroo and wallaby, like a small opossum, but more recently one which probably resembled the more familiar ground-dwelling variant of the kangaroo. They have long tails for balance and more developed forelimbs, enabling them to climb. Unlike ground kangaroos, their teeth are built for tearing leaves instead of cutting grass.

Logging, mining, and humans encroaching on their habitat, along with the subsequent affects of this, are the main causes of endangerment. They are hunted for meat by both wild dogs and the domestic dogs brought into their areas by humans, and are sometimes hit by cars and killed, since they live both on the ground and in trees. When the trees in the tropical rainforests they live in are cut down, they live more on the ground, and are more in danger of both dogs and cars.


(P.S. - Sorry the pictures aren't as good! Also, if you want to learn more about San Diego's tree kangaroo experience, go to the following website. Kami)

1 comment:

Maximar said...

Oh my gosh they're so cute! I love this blog, I'd never even heard of The Buergers' Tree Kangaroo before this!