Monday, May 5, 2008

Our First Real Post!

Hello -

I sent out an e-mail to all of my friends and family saying something along the lines of, "Hey! I have a new blog and anyone who wants to post on it can!" Lucky for me, I've already gotten replies!!

One of my friends made a word search for anyone who is interested! Petrie Peel has made up a word search of endangered animals. Most of them are pretty uncommon - so have fun doing doing the word search and then looking up the animals to see what they are! One of the animals on the wordsearch, a Dibbler, is pictured here.

Here's the link to the wordsearch online.

I think you might have to print the word search out to do it, but who doesn't love a word search?

Thank you Petrie Peel!



Malyn said...

You did not put the link to the word search in your blog message :).

Malyn said...

This is the word seach link.